Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Peace on Earth? Good Will? Peace is a choice…Choose Peace!


Ten thousand years of studying the “Human Condition” has led us to conclude that there is a path to the dream that so many have shed their blood attempting to build. Their sacrifice was NOT in vain. They believed that a time for peace would come. The Old Testament talks about there being a season for every purpose under heaven and then at the very end comes THE TIME FOR PEACE. We are at a crucial juncture where the choice is clear. We can choose destruction or we can choose redemption. Humankind always rises to the challenges that are before us. We will no doubt rise to this challenge.


There will always be the naysayers that claim that Peace is simply not attainable. I would join them except that I have seen bitter prejudice turn into deep and abiding love. I have witnessed hatred give way to tolerance and then to understanding and then to true love. I have seen a single man travel down this path through his choices of education over ignorance. If it is possible for a single man to make this journey then it is possible for a family, then a village, a province, a Nation and then the World to also travel this path.


We are now in the Holiday Season where countless songs will be sung about attaining Peace On Earth. Would these songs have been written if there wasn’t faith that this was attainable? Would so many embrace these songs if they didn’t believe? Would so many fight and die if they didn’t believe that a time for Peace would come to the world? Today I ask you to make a choice! Choose Peace! I ask you to quell the naysayers and make a conscious decision to move toward “World Peace”. We who want and work toward “Peace” are not “whack jobs” that want to hold hands and sing songs to bring about Peace. We are people that have developed a clear path that will lead STEP BY STEP toward World Peace.


Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, Christians, Jews, all are united in their belief that Peace is attainable. I recently published a book called “A Prescription For Peace” that is a series of essays documenting the philosophy behind a group of relief workers led by Sir Edward A. Artis. They all believe that Peace can be attained through following a series of steps to give prosperity to the entire world. The basic building blocks of society are the foundation to bring about “World Peace”.


Excluding any group of people for inclusion in economic prosperity is a recipe for retaliation, terrorism and war. Drawing a circle that includes every man, woman and child alive is not only the path for peace but it is the right thing to do. The Army calls this SWEAT MS which means “sewage, water, electricity, academics, trash, medical and security”. In the book I outline my conclusion – Food (including clean water), Shelter, Health Care, Personal Security, Education, Rule of Law, Forgiveness, Empowerment of Women and Jobs as being the elements that will lead to Peace. We can all discuss the details of the Peace and arrive at our own conclusions but the fact that the discussion continues means that we are close to a practical path to making the dream a reality.


If every single person alive took the Hippocratic Oath to “first do no harm”, the world would be a much better place. If we all applied it to our business and family lives we would prosper. If we all applied it to the environment, and ecology we would develop business models that were sustainable, renewable, and replicable.


As a companion to the book we have launched “APrescriptionForPeace.ORG” as a 501(c) 3 to contribute to bringing about “World Peace”. We commit that every dollar donated shall be directed to the application of the principles that are outlined in the book. Obviously, we need to spend a small percentage to keep our NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in compliance with all State and Federal Regulations. But our commitment is that as near to 100% as possible will be applied to programs that hit the mark. We are working with Sir Edward A. Artis on a number of ongoing projects that we will provide funding to help facilitate in the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Darfur.


We invite you to make a donation to our NGO to help us fund these projects. Please look at your tax deductible donation as an investment in the attainment of World Peace.


The book has drawn some strong comments. One reader wrote in reference to a section that discusses the Israel/Palestine situation: Bulldozing houses is a punishment for blowing up busses.  Every homicide bomber knows that if they go through with their evil plan, their family will lose their home.  If they make the choice that killing 50 Jewish children on a bus is worth their family losing their home…  Yeah, I can’t really feel too bad for them.”


I responded to the comment with the following: “The point that I was attempting to make is that individual rights are the key to lasting Peace. When the families of Palestinians are given money because one of their offspring detonated a suicide bomb in a crowded marketplace that money needs to be intercepted and the incentive removed through due process of law. Conversely, when a family has been located in a home for over 50 years and the home is bulldozed without a trial they need to be compensated through due process of law.


Sweeping statements about what the Jews have done to the Palestinians or what the Palestinians have done to the Jews as justification for further wrongs move both sides away from Peace and proliferate the hatreds that are inbred. Jewish World Watch has the goal of eliminating “genocide” from the earth. I applaud that mission and hope that we can all work to see hatred replaced with not only tolerance but also understanding, that we can see a “rush to judgment” replaced with due process of law.


I believe that a World Court with teeth is one of the foundations to eliminating Genocide as the court brings men and women to justice that commit atrocities.  That court needs to serve all people of all races and all religions. Attempting to justify wrong doing through the interpretation of history is just what this court needs to discourage. History is a great teacher and should be studied. All of humanity should be educated as education is a very basic key to eliminating prejudice and hatred. Every man, woman and child alive have certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The rule of law which was really begun by the Jews many centuries ago and is the foundation of all of our laws today must protect one person’s right to pursuit of happiness from interfering with another’s. Everyone deserves personal security because that is the foundation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Food, shelter, health care, education, and a job are also the foundations of peace and every single person that is living today should have all of these elements that provide them the opportunity to have a good life.


The Holiday Season is a tremendous time to think and dream about World Peace. When governments deem the Iron Mace necessary they also need to prepare the Velvet Mace of Civil Affairs to restore basic needs to people that are affected by war or catastrophe. People that have their needs met are less likely to become insurgents because they have something to lose. Those that have something to lose and still choose to fight need to be incarcerated or eliminated.


Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, and Atheists all get along on the Westside of Los Angeles because there is an environment of abundance. By helping all of humanity have abundance we can not only hope and dream about World Peace, we can make it a reality.


I spoke recently in Century City at the Rotary Club’s event to honor Sherry Lansing. I summed up my talk by stating “our work will not be done until every man, woman and child alive has three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, access to quality health care,  personal security, an education and a job.”


I believe that this is a Prescription for Peace and hope that we can partner with YOU in areas like Burma to bring this from the theory stage to the elimination of atrocities and the establishment of a lasting and abiding PEACE.


I really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to write to me. I know that time is precious and that we can all learn from each other. I found your comments enlightening and hope that this is only the beginning of a dialogue that will lead to solid steps to bring about lasting PEACE one country at a time and one person at a time. We need every man, woman and child to buy into the concept of PEACE – to CHOOSE PEACE for it to become a reality. I want you to know that I am your partner in PEACE and that I know Sir Edward Artis is also your partner. He is the servant of humanity. If there is a project that we can collaborate on I would be honored to help and I know he would too. His thirty five years of working in the trenches can be a tremendous asset to any organization and it is available for the asking. Throughout those years funding has come through non religious sources as well as many faith based organizations as well…including Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. I would invite you to begin a meaningful dialogue with Sir Edward and discuss Burma if that is an area you intend to elevate. There are some opportunities there that can be leveraged with a proper strategy. I would invite you to begin discussions with Sir Edward to develop that strategy.”


The United States of America is the first Nation in the History of the World to forgive at the end of a war and to then appeal to economic “best interests” to heal relations and to trade with our former enemy. We did this at the end of the Revolution, Civil War, War of 1812, Mexican America War, Spanish American War, World War I, World War II. Forgiveness leads to rebuilding our enemy and stronger productive relations.


My oldest son is a Warrior and has served two tours in Iraq. When he returned from his second tour he ended every telephone conversation with “Peace” instead of saying “goodbye”. I found it remarkable that a warrior would take up the cause of Peace in such an everyday way. But I found that the discipline of ending every conversation with “Peace” keeps this on my mind. If all of humanity valued World Peace in everyday lives by ending every conversation with the word Peace, it would keep the concept on everybody’s mind and move humanity closer every day as people everywhere were constantly thinking about and discussing “World Peace”.  I would invite you all to begin ending your telephone conversations with the word “Peace”…the more we talk about it the more we are going to move toward it. I have asked you to make a conscious choice for PEACE. You can manifest that choice in your everyday life by ending your telephone conversations with “PEACE”.


You can also invest in PEACE. I would invite you to make a $25 donation to today. Sit down and write out a check and pop it in the mail and ask all of your friends to do the same. In these tough economic times a twenty five dollar donation and investment in PEACE will not affect anyone’s lifestyle but it will add up as tens of thousands of people join in the metaphorical march toward PEACE.


Sir Michael Douglas Carlin
Author, Publisher, Newspaper Editor, Film Producer

PO Box 67696

Century City, CA 90067


Friday, October 10, 2008


The first rule of economics is that resources are scarce. If you buy into this premise you have set the stage for the principles of supply and demand to function. When we artificially restrict supply we give business leaders power to profit over us. If we buy into one lie we give power to others to be able to manipulate us. We live in a world where resources are abundant and renewable. This concept of trillions of dollars backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America is one of abundance. Put dollars into the banks and they will quit hording the dollars because they know they can get more. The credit freeze is due to the false assumption that banks can get no more dollars. The credit freeze is artificial. We are giving power to it by supporting it. If every American Bank was able to have access to the unlimited dollars they needed there would be no more credit freeze. American leadership needs to rise to this challenge and unfreeze the markets by restoring stability. We have limited ourselves. We have stopped thinking. The concept of full faith and credit is intangible. Let’s restate the currency as being backed by the Real Estate of America - The abundant land of our forefathers that we have fought for and bled for. Let’s restate the currency as being backed by the securities of the companies of America – The engine of capitalism. If currency was allowed to flow freely into assets again – regardless of credit scores – we would unfreeze the markets.

Resources, like currency, are renewable and abundant. Food is abundant, shelter is abundant, healthcare is abundant, education is abundant, and jobs are abundant. Let’s get back to living the dream.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


This is not Socialism. 

In fact this is allowing the true "Free Market" Economy to function with checks and balances in place to ensure that all participants adhere to sound business principles. The sense of entitlement needs to be educated out of the American People. Nobody is owed influence but also nobody is anointed to influence. Anyone that has played a team sport in a competitive environment knows that each player must earn his or her position every single day. That keeps the team sharp and playing at the highest level.

By eliminating “Special Interest” influence out of Washington we restore the truly competitive engine of Capitalism. No longer will we have one company with an artificial leg up over their competition. We will make it easier for the ingenuity of the individual entrepreneur to bring their innovations to market. Too many of the big corporations fear the upstart business because their low overhead exposes the fat within “big business” ranks. Through legislation “big business” makes it hard for the lone businessman to get started. This strategy is short sighted as we face competition from outside of America.

We are now in a GLOBAL economy. We must restore America's Engine of Competitiveness to be able to compete with all of the companies and Countries that are embracing Capitalism. Manufacturing can and will return to our shores where we can eliminate shipping costs, control environmental impacts, and build innovative products that match the needs of America as well as the needs in other areas of the World.

The responsibility of taking care of those that are less fortunate throughout the world is the responsibility of all humanity. Government takes the lead with foreign policy, military civil affairs, and membership in the World's organizations. Faith based organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Corporations, Non-Profit Organizations and Individuals must bridge the gap ensuring three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, access to quality healthcare, personal safety, an education and a job to every man, woman and child alive. That giving must be done hand to hand, eye to eye, and Heart to Heart.

The education of every man, woman, and child alive must include a strong curriculum of "Personal Responsibility" as well as “Charity”.

Moral responsibility rests with everyone that has a life of excess.

5 Steps


Constitutional Amendment providing actual people with a greater legal standing than Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Non-Profit Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations or any other non living manufactured entities including all special interest groups.



Special Interest no longer allowed to contact any member of Congress or member of the Executive Branch.


Campaign Finance Reform

All campaigns financed by the Government at set amounts. Every candidate given equal time on television as condition for grant of FCC licensing to television stations. All rules grant Joe Average the same campaign advantages of Joe Dupont   


Successful Candidates place all assets and income into a trust that is managed by Accountants and Attorneys that must certify that all expenses and income was by legitimate means. In becoming a servant of the people the legislator sacrifices some autonomy. Investments can never benefit from policy decisions made in the Public Sector. Accountants and Attorneys shield money management from the client so that a legislator cannot ever have ethics issues. Compensation must reflect fees for these services. Every lawyer needs to be banned from participating in his/her client's business. Attorneys are "for hire" and need to maintain an "arms length" relationship with their clients.


Replace Every Member of Congress In Office on October, 2008 during the voting of the Financial Crisis Bail Out Bill.

We have to change the way Legislators get elected. Too many of them get contributions from "Special Interest Groups" in exchange for influence. Too much of the legislation that gets passed contains provisions that have nothing to do with the Bill that is being passed because of attachments to satisfy "deals" (funding). We have established a legal but corrupt system that needs to be changed. We have allowed influence to have a price tag.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


ARE YOU AS MAD AS I AM? One Trillion Dollars being requested from the taxpayers by President Bush stating that we have no choice. Let’s target every member of our government to be given their “Pink Slip”. They have no compassion on you when you get your “Pink Slip” so let’s do what all good Americans do…VOTE!

I respect Obama and McCain and I would like to send them on a fishing trip organized by Sarah Palin and hosted by Joe Biden. They are one big happy family because they all present the same face…bought by big business and they no longer represent the people.

Mismanagement of this magnitude requires a resignation or a pink slip. They continue to lie to us so how can we believe the numbers they are bandying about? Seven hundred billion? A trillion? That is more money than I can fathom. We are already eleven trillion in debt. That doesn’t include the looming obligation of Social Security. Add it all up and what do you have?

A Nation Off Course!!!

Let’s agree not to listen to any more of their lies. Pointing fingers and blaming each other. We need resignation letters right now. We need those letters or we are going to vote the men and women of government out of office. They spring this all on us so close to the election so that we don’t have choices. But we have choices. I am calling out the citizens of America to wake up and vote. If you have not yet registered, then register to vote and we can take our country back. I am calling on ordinary citizens to get organized and appoint one of the rank and file as the designated “write in candidate” for the Senate or House of Representative Seat that is available in your State or district. Every member of Congress needs to be fired.


If a majority of the votes cast have the write in candidate clearly indicated then we can upend this unspeakable mismanagement and put America on the right course.

They would have you believe that it is all so complicated so that the average American can’t understand it. The truth is that we must keep the language simple and the policies uncomplicated. We must return to basics where the American Economy is about producing something tangible. A product or service that the market wants.

The solution to the Financial Crisis is also simple. A recession comes from idle labor and capital. To recover from or avoid a recession we must get credit markets moving again and create jobs.

Tangible assets such as real estate can be leveraged no more than 70% unless they have solar…then they can be leveraged 80%. That provides an incentive to end our dependence on foreign oil. Freddie and Fannie need to be merged into a single entity that can be caused US Real Estate Trust.


This newly formed entity must be run alongside of the Federal Reserve System with a mandate that it work with Financial Institutions to fund loans on Real Estate…all Real Estate in America. Regardless of credit history the Financial Institutions of America can write loans up to 70% of the value of any Real Estate and up to 80% if the property has Solar Power. The Financial Institutions and the US Real Estate Investment Trust split the interest on the loans on a 50/50 basis to keep the money flowing and the Financial Institutions afloat.

Any appraisals that are made to inflate the value of the property are punishable by taking away the appraisers license and assessing a fine.


Electric Cars, motorcycles, hybrids, solar panels, windmills, hydro-electric and clean coal technology need to be developed now to end our dependence on foreign oil. Every watt that is renewable takes carbon out of the air that we all breathe. Investment into green energy will create a huge number of jobs…especially if we create incentives for small businesses.


Thanks to the lobbying of Big Business it is harder than ever to create a small business that can succeed. They are attempting to make it hard for the little people to have the American Dream because they fear the business with low overhead. They don’t want to compete with it. So they make it hard for you and me to start a business. That is why when millions of Americans are faced with losing their homes who is it that the Government chooses to bail out? They bail out Wall Street and let the average American foot the bill.


I watched as President Bush announced the bailout plan that we are forced to support. As I watched a standoff in Los Angeles on television between law enforcement attempting to serve an eviction notice to a homeowner that had lost his home due to foreclosure. He sat with his wife armed with guns and held off the police for eleven hours. I looked for the story in the Los Angeles Times and couldn’t find it the next day…it had been buried. I think the contrast was lost in the shuffle.


We owe eleven trillion dollars…most of it to foreign countries. Let’s print the currency and load it into 40’ containers and ship it to China, India, Saudi Arabia and other governments that hold our debt. Ship the cash to them. Imagine a 40’ container showing up at the Government Headquarters in Beijing. What would they do with it? Good question…since we restrict transporting over ten thousand dollars into the country and we make the movement of currency through the Patriot Act very difficult it would be hard to get those dollars back into America.

Many state that this would cause inflation. Isn’t inflation exactly what we need right now to get real estate stabilized? A round of inflation would take care of the problems that our financial system faces. And five trillion dollars hitting us a little at a time as I have demonstrated would help us with a modest round of inflation.

What it would do is establish the dollar as the Global Currency. Transactions that were done with briefcases of currency would be done in Dollars and it would immediately become the defacto currency.


Stocks, bonds, and derivatives can have fluctuating values and should only be leveraged to 50% at a maximum. Mortgages can never be insured and leveraged like they have been recently. Leverage is what created the Great Depression. Sensible banking will lead to a stable economy. High leverage works well through the meteoric rise but collapses quickly upon the fall…creating a card castle that leads to record bailouts.


We have to love ourselves to say never again. Lie to us once...shame on you...lie to us twice...shame on us...continue to lie to us without us rising and firing you...shame on America.


My name is Michael Douglas Carlin and I have had it with the game of politics. I spent eight years of my life with a habitual liar and I spent all of that time trying to figure out what was true and what was a lie. What a waste of time! When you hear a politician blame another you know that they are guilty why not get them all out of office.

It is time that the ordinary citizens take back America. When we get caught up in who is to blame and we spend our time listening to their arguments we are being distracted from what is being done behind the curtain... that we can't see. They distract us with their finger pointing and we miss the fact that they all need to go.I have a tremendous respect for the accomplishments of Senator John McCain and Barack Obama and they along with all of Congress need to begin their fishing trip and leave the governing to ordinary citizens.

There is this vetting process that bars the ordinary American from every running for office. I certainly won't pass the blue blood test. I am an ordinary man that wants to see our Country be more than it is right now. I want to see us go back to the basics.

We have entered the Global Era and we need to rise to the new realities that we face. Business As Usual will no longer work in America.We come from all over the world. With Globalization who is better poised to take advantage of the opportunities but those that understand diverse cultures and speak multiple languages.

My platform is simple...back to the basics. The platform is outlined in my book "A Prescription For Peace." They want us to be confused...they want to make it complicated and they want to manipulate us into buying into an agenda that is good for big business and bad for ordinary Americans.

I am not anti-big business. I am for allowing the Free Market to work with oversight. Granting special considerations to any company that makes them less competitive isn't good for the long term health of America.

Now with our Financial Crisis, our National Debt, our outdated Health Care System we need to peel away the layers that are non-productive and focus all of our energies on those that can produce real goods and services that meet the needs of the Global Market. If I am elected President I will give America that simplicity that gets us on track to be competitive in the Global Marketplace.

A Competitive America will allow every man woman and child in America to have three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, access to quality health care, personal security, an education and a job.

Having capital and labor idle is never good. So let us all usher in the greatest era in the history of the world. Let us usher in the greatest economy that has ever existed along with the most prosperity for all humanity.

My name is Michael Douglas Carlin and I would like your 'write-in" vote. You can write to me at

Be part of the most sweeping revolution in history and register to VOTE and then VOTE with write in candidates. Here are links to my platform:

Here are some other useful links:

Thursday, September 25, 2008


We sit at the table of crisis but also at the table of opportunity. Clearly we must bail out the mistakes of "Wall Street". Let's fix it all for good.

One Trillion dollars for stabilizing the markets...why stop there?

How about printing TEN TRILLION DOLLARS and shipping all of those dollars to those that hold our National Debt?

The underlying problem is that the price of real estate is sliding. The solution to fixing this is to create inflation so that real estate stabilizes and rises. 

Printing more money will create that inflation.

Paying off our National Debt will create 30% more available money in our National Budget and allow us to fix Social Security for good.

Most of the debt is held by foreign entities...if we ship actual "cash" overseas it will come back very slowly if ever. What it will do is establish the "dollar" as the global currency because so much of the trade that will occur overseas will be done in the "cash" dollars that we ship to pay off the debt. We limit visitors to our country to transporting no more than $10,000 in cash at any one time. With the Patriot Act we make it difficult to move money into the country... so this TRILLIONS of dollars would hit us slowly.

We deregulated everything. Now "Wall Street" has created derivatives on everything... this cannot continue. This needs to be fixed. "Margin Requirements" need to be placed upon every form of leverage... taking an asset and leveraging it 30 to 100 times its worth just isn't prudent. It is time that we get back to sound banking principles. We switched from the "Gold Standard" and replaced it with a "Real Estate" backed currency... it is time that we make this more than just implied. Merge Freddie and Fannie into one entity and clear the log jam by allowing a mortgage to any person or entity regardless of credit history as long as they put up 30% of the value of the property - 20% if there are solar panels on the roof contributing electricity to our power grid.

Now if we end our dependence on foreign oil over the next five years we will have surplus money to begin spending on building our failed infrastructure.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Competitive Free Enterprise System

Coming soon

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Easier to Sell Management Than To Sell Clients

Coming Soon

Inherent in the Problem is the Solution

Housing is a basic right!

We desperately need more affordable housing. Housing the poor or homeless is actually less costly than dealing with the issues of homelessness when we turn a blind eye to the issue. Offering shelters with services that rehabilitate people when they have hit a bump in the road, makes much more sense than ignoring them. Home ownership is part of the American Dream and yet it is becoming far too difficult for the average man or woman to achieve that dream.

Now we have Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with an estimated 5.3 Trillion Dollars in Mortgages. What could all of the real estate in America be worth? 50 trillion? 500 trillion? I don’t really know the answer to that question but just the number of homes in America must be in the 50 trillion range. Our National Debt is now about 10 trillion.

With the problems we have in America right now doesn’t it make sense to take some bold steps to fix what is wrong with America.

Step #1. Take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – ALREADY DONE

Step #2. Print currency and ship it to debt holders. Pay off the National Debt by increasing the money supply. This would free up 30%+ of our existing budgets in Government.

Step #3. Switch currency from being backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government to being backed by the Real Estate of the Country.

Step #4. Offer loans to any citizen (regardless of credit history) on any property providing that citizen comes up with 30% down payment for properties without Solar Panels on the roof or 20% if the property has solar panels. The government would back the properties with 80% loans on any property with Solar and 70% if the property doesn’t have Solar. In essence the currency would then be backed with by the mortgages on the Real Estate of America. Create a revenue share deal with the bank or financial institution that originated the loan so that they would receive an override on the loan when it was performing. They would also intercede if the loan defaulted. They would foreclose on the property and keep 80% of anything the property sold for over the amount of the loan and if the property sold for less they would absorb up to 20% of the loss as a fee to continue as a preferred lender and able to originate loans.

Step #5. Let’s not spend our resources tracking down illegal aliens any more…it is a waste of our resources. It is time for another amnesty program where we invite anyone here that has managed to keep out of trouble to become a citizen. The process would be a six month window to surface and provide proof that you have means of subsistence, followed by a five year waiting period that includes an education process and a vetting process to achieve citizenship.
Step #6. We know that Hurricanes, Tornados, Floods, Earthquakes, and Forrest Fires are part of the landscape of being American. Yet we have no provisions for thwarting their impacts. It is time that we prepare for the occurrence of these events by having our Army Corp. of Engineers develop permanent structures to minimize their effects. Every waterway in America needs to be prepared for taking on more water than usual. We need to develop a water grid in America where water can be moved from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. The Army Corp. of Engineers could develop a series of locks and canals to move water throughout the Country. When a drought leaves one area dry we could move water to mitigate the effects. In areas where housing is in the path of Tornados or Hurricanes any new housing would have to comply with building standards to withstand Category 5 winds. One structure that comes to mind is the geodesic dome house that seems to withstand the most extreme conditions. Places with Earthquakes must have structures built to withstand a 9 point Earthquake.

Now is the time for us to begin planning for the next thousand years. The five years plans of Capitalism are meaningless.

We went off the gold standard in 1971. Since then our currency has been backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. Now with the failing of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae we need to establish United States Real Estate as the asset that backs our currency. With the new “Real Estate Standard” we will stabilize our economy and provide a solid asset to back our currency. The standard should be similar to banking where the consumer is able to borrow up to 90% of the value of the Real Estate based upon current market conditions.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Stick to the Issues and Seal The Deal

I was sitting at a dinner this week and I had the displeasure to hear an acquaintance speak about Senator John McCain in a very foul manner. I was appalled at what I was hearing. She spoke about how John McCain didn’t really suffer in the Hanoi Hilton. She attempted to minimize the sacrifice that he made for our Country. I really couldn’t listen anymore and I lost my temper. I shook my fist at that woman and I told her that I would not have her at my dinner table speaking ill of someone that had sacrificed so much for our Country. If I would have allowed her to continue I would have brought dishonor to my own two sons that have chosen to serve their Country by joining the armed forces. I would have diminished the two tours of duty in Iraq in the Army and a contract to serve in the Air Force. She was shocked but she shut her mouth.

Now we have Barack Obama that has also suffered some slanderous comments. He is a man that has defied the odds and done something no American man has ever done before. He is the first African American Democratic Candidate that has ever run for President. He has paved new ground in the use of the Internet and Cellular Telephones in his campaign and he mobilized millions of Americans that have never been engaged in the political arena. He deserves our respect.

Both of these candidates are always careful to speak about how much they respect each other and we should all follow their example.

When we disagree about issues…let’s keep it to the issues.

In America, we all like to lay blame. When gas rises we want to blame someone. We have chosen to blame President George W. Bush. He has extremely low approval ratings. Is it all really his fault? Could a single man really have stopped the tide of globalization? Cheap labor in other countries became skilled enough to lure jobs from America. Multi-National Corporations took advantage of that labor. I can’t really see that this was his fault. What we have gained from other countries having commercialism or capitalism has brought a measure of stability to the world that wasn’t there before. We now have interdependence beyond what has ever existed and the idea of peace is more solidified than at any other time in the history of the world. Further, the 70’s brought hijackings of planes and we did nothing, the 70 Olympics were terrorized and we did nothing, the Marine Barracks in Beirut were bombed we did nothing, the Cole was bombed, the Embassies were bombed, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time and we did nothing. The Pentagon and the World Trade Center were bombed at 9/11 and George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and sent the Taliban and Al Qaeda packing. I personally was against the war in Iraq…I thought it was going too far…but now there appears to be a stable government forming. The chance of having peace in the region is one country closer to achievement. You can’t argue with the success. You shouldn’t throw stones at the man that had the courage to stand up to terrorism.

Now we have the ability to stomp out terrorism for good. Afghanistan is the battlefield. If we abandon Afghanistan now we prolong the war on terror for the next hundred years. Or we can thwart the efforts of the Taliban and Al Qaeda by stomping them out now. If we allow farmers to return to the poppy crops there we provide terrorists with a revenue source. With a solid revenue source we allow them to reconstitute and plot against us. We need sustainable living in Afghanistan for all of the people to grow and produce products that thwart the war on terror. We succeeded in Iraq…let’s push forward for a stable and democratic Afghanistan. I put forward the idea at the Mayor’s Conference in 2007 that each city in America adopt a city in Iraq or Afghanistan. Many cities have been adopted and there are incredible success stories. More needs to be done.

The belly aching about lack of jobs needs to stop. New jobs are going to be the result of renewable energy. Right now 140% of all output of Solar Panels is spoken for. We need more investment into energy and that investment needs to be the catalyst to create new jobs. Picture a world where every roof has Solar Panels built in that bring the bulk of the energy to America.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let's Agree Not to be Polarized by Abortion

Do we really want to return to the days where expectant mothers were aborting their children with coat hangers? or the days where people traveled across State or International lines to get their abortion?

I believe in a woman's right to choose. I also believe that the moral high ground is to choose life.

If we leave Roe vs. Wade in tact and Women continue to have the right to choose it gives all women the right to make choices over their own bodies. Then we educate so that all that are involved in those choices know the consequences of their choices.

My Aunt had a child when I was young. I was told that the child was stillborn. Fifteen years ago I learned that the child was given up to adoption to a good family. Through a very unlikely chain of events I had the opportunity to meet this incredible woman years ago...just briefly. In the past year I have had the opportunity to know her much better. She is an incredible woman. The world is a much better place with her in it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time For Us To Be A Serious Nation

"When America becomes serious things get done," Newt Gingrich said, "From Pearl Harbor to the defeat of the Japanese and Germans was 3 years and 8 months." It is time for the United States to flex our muscles and to do good things for all of the world. We can solve the energy crisis in the next 30 months if we set our minds to it and mobilize all of America. Conservation and the development of new energy sources will take us from dependency to being truly independent. The time is now all of us must join in the solution.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Garden of Eden

We all remember learning about the Garden of Eden...a place of abundance...paradise. The first rule of economics is that resources are scarce. We have learned that profits rise when there is scarcity. The reality is that we live in a world of abundance. There is enough food to feed every man, woman, and child alive. The scarcity is manufactured.

The problem with this scarcity is that it is killing the innocent. We pay farmers not to produce food. We destroy other food. We throw away so much too. We do all of this while people are starving. We see the photos, the video and hear the stories but we do nothing.

We live in Paradise and it is time that we provide Paradise to all of humanity.

Enable vs. Help

Everyone of us is the result of the many people that have had an influence over us. So not one of us has really done it on our own. We are all a collaboration of the many influences that we have had. There is a big difference in feeding the people that are recently displaced due to fire, flood, famine, tsunami, war or other disaster and feeding people that can do for themselves but won't.

"Clue #6" is contained in the book "A Prescription For Peace" that is available on Amazon

Sunday, August 24, 2008

There are two sides to every story...I think police get out of line occassionally just like people in every walk of life...but when you see a cop pull someone over and the walk up with their hand on their gun it is because many who have gone before them walked up on a loaded gun and then ate some lead...I couldn't do their job but I am glad that someone does it...because we need safety to have freedom. Safety is one of the basic rights guaranteed to us.

Chief Bill Braton is one of the most successful law enforcement executives to have lived. At a recent breakfast he provided his three pronged approach to reshaping any police department. First he partners with the community, second he problem solves, and third he focuses on prevention.

I think this is a great approach for any social problem.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Humanity Hangs in the Balance

I believe that humanity hangs in the balance right now. The credit crisis is facing challenges beyond our ability to deal with them. But inherent in this crisis is the most incredible opportunity we have ever faced. I wrote a book called "A Prescription For Peace" that is available on Amazon. In it I advocate a new approach to the entire world where we follow the words of Thomas Jefferson, where he wrote "we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The means that we all have the right to three square meals a day, a roof over our heads, access to quality health care, personal safety, an education and a job. For how could we ever feel liberty or begin to pursue happiness unless our basic needs are being met?

Now the debate over Socialism vs. Capitalism needs to end. You can check out my blog on the subject at aprescriptionforpeace..../Each one of us is nothing without the people that surround us...and now we need all of those people to be working and to be paying taxes. This is the only way out of our hole. That means massive public works projects that put people to work. Borrowing money for entitlements or giving out more stimulus checks is a big mistake. But providing food, housing, services and education that leads people toward jobs makes sense.

Investing in the American People makes sense. Investing in innner-city children to get them to become productive tax payers makes sense.Now is the time...we can do what is right."Our work will not be done until every man, woman, and child alive has three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, access to quality health care, personal security, an education and a job." - Michael Douglas Carlin

Friday, August 22, 2008

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

So you are driving down the street having a candy bar in the perfect weather of Los Angeles. The windows are down and the fresh air is blowing through the car. The music is on and although traffic has you only moving at 25 mph, at least you are moving. What a great experience you are having listening to the lyrics of U2. “Still haven’t found what I’m lookin’ for,” blasts our of the custom speakers you had installed in your nearly new car that you worked so hard to buy. The candy melts in your mouth but because it isn’t an M&M it also melts on your hands. So that you don’t soil the interior of your car you lick off what you can and wipe what is left on your jeans…they will get a through washing soon. The last bite hits home…and oh, that nasty wrapper. It’s no big deal, one wrapper can’t make that much of a difference. You don’t want it in your nice, near new car, so you toss it out the window. You don’t want to be blatant so you hold it out and let it go when you are sure no one is looking.

I remember the highways of the 60’s and 70’s. There was trash everywhere. We have gotten so much better at not throwing our trash out of the window but we are not quite there. A candy wrapper here, a cigarette butt there…what can it hurt? We are nearly 20 million people living in Southern California…20 million candy wrappers here and there can equate to a big deal. Picture 20 million wrappers on the streets that get rained on and wash into the storm drains – they float out into the ocean. The currents take them to a trash heap the size of Texas that floats out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

That trash heap is killing the Pacific Ocean. The birds fly down and swoop up plastic bags because they think they are food.. Fish are eating the plastic. That plastic clogs their digestive systems. Nutrients can’t get past the plastic blocks them and they literally starve to death. Who’s problem is this trash heap? No one seems to be stepping up to claim it. 3.5 million tons consisting of 80% plastics is floating out there somewhere between the coast of California and Hawaii. It is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

If no one is going to clean it up, the least we can do is not further contribute to making it bigger. We do this when we refrain from throwing that wrapper out the window. Also, we can make a conscious effort to limit the use of plastics. Canvas bags at the market are reusable and keep the plastics out of the land fills or on the streets.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Fine Line between Enable and Help

Gave a homeless dude a ten dollar bill tonight. I got hammered for it. He went immediately into 7-11 and bought some food to fight his hunger...before he got to the cash register I had a guy come up to me and scream at me for giving to a homeless man..."You're not helping are enabling him." He might be right...but tonight that man is eating well.

There might be a fine line...and I need to know more about it. But learning about it from books just isn't a have to dive into the pool to learn about it...

More later...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We already have Socialism

If you walk out on the street and have a heart attack falling into the middle of the street someone will call 911 and dispatch the emergency response team. The police will show up first, followed by the paramedics, an ambulance will take you to the nearest emergency room. If you need heart surgery it will be performed at breakneck speed and the recovery will provide you with a room, food, medical attention and constant monitoring. When you get out of the hospital there will be bills generated for this service and you either pay them (if you can) or you don' which case they are forwarded to UNCLE SAM.

The problem with our particular brand of socialism is that these services are for acute care and are paid for at the highest possible costs...

A system that provided preventive care for everyone would be much cheaper and more humane. Additionally, preventitive care would thwart diseases more effectively and take much of the risk out of the consequences of disease.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Capitalism vs. Socialism - Why not have both?

We can have peace in our lifetime if we all do our part.

This must be a partnership of every individual, non-profit organization, corporation, and government - all working together to bring the basic needs to all of humanity.

It is time for humanity to grow up. Our “Identity Crisis” is ridiculous. We run around like little spoiled brats sweeping our messes under the carpet rather than deal with them in a forthright manner. Turning a blind eye to problems like homelessness ends up costing more than facing the problem with housing, meals, and services that recycle lives and get them back on the road as productive members of society.

The debate between Socialism and Capitalism continues because of the merits of both systems. We hear the entrepreneur say, “I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps and was never given a thing…why should we give them anything?” We also hear those that have been helped by social programs say, “I reached out to the government for help during a time of crisis in my life and now, I own my own business.” The engine of capitalism cannot be refuted. It is what has driven the global economy. The benefits of socialism cannot be refuted either. That is why the debate is so compelling.

The overused phrase, “give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime” also has merits. We need to assume nothing during the education process that teaches men, women and children to “fish”. We need to understand that in today’s complicated world the process of teaching men women and children to fish is a process that may take time. Not everyone has the ability to fish while learning. The reason why we should help people that can’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps is that it is the right thing to do. Helping people while they learn is more humane and costs less than sweeping them under the carpet.

Let’s put the debate of Capitalism and Socialism to rest. Turning a blind eye to people who have no ability to “fish” is no longer acceptable. A layer of socialism where not only do we teach men, women and children to “fish” but where that burden is shared by government, corporations, non-profits, and individuals, fueled by Capitalism for those who take personal responsibility and want all that capitalism provides. Two systems living side by side coexisting and flourishing.

Let’s move the debate forward to renewable systems that prepare and plan for the next thousand years.

This is A Prescription For Peace:

1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Health Care
4. Personal Safety
5. Education
6. Livelihood
7. Empower Women
All leading to HOPE

Thomas Jefferson wrote the words: "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

If we have the right to life then we have the right to three square meals a day, a roof over our head, access to quality health care, personal security, an education and a job. For how could we ever begin to experience liberty or pursue happiness without the basic needs being met.

"Our work will not be done until every man, woman, and child alive has three square meals a day, a roof over their head, access to quality health care, personal security, an education and a job." - Michael Douglas Carlin

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Be the Writer Producer Actor and Director in your own Movie

Be the Writer Producer Actor and Director in your Own Movie
Michael Douglas Carlin 10.AUG.08

Be the writer, producer, actor and director in your own life

10:57 AM PDT, August 9, 2008

I grew up in the movie business. Every element that can be controlled pretty much is. Sometimes the weather cooperates and sometimes it doesn’t. But always the show must go on. The Writer conceives of the story, the Producer handles the finances, the Director calls the shots and the Actor takes direction. There are many other minor positions on the movie…all of them important to the overall quality of the finished product. Life imitates art and art imitates life.

In life and movies we have atmosphere - people that blend into the scenery – Extras. They have almost no responsibility or authority but they provide a necessary function. The responsibility and authority grow with every promotion from Extra to Grip to Art Director all the way to the highest point, that of the Director.

Many people in America are the Writer, Producer, Director and Actor in their own story. This is the pinnacle of personal responsibility in America. Capitalism functions with a high degree of personal responsibility. Installing capitalism in a place where people are not comfortable taking responsibility doesn’t make much sense anymore than having an extra direct a movie. Not that an extra might not have some real talent and the ability to direct. Given time and training an extra can rise to become the Writer, Producer, Actor and Director of their own movie.

Not everyone is ready or able to become master of their own personal movie. Some require a Writer to dream up the plot. Some require a Producer to handle the finances. Some require direction. Some are not even that well equipped to be the Actor. But every human alive has a story. Everyone of them is worthy of being lived. And each of them has the right to progress through the ranks to become their own personal master.

Some try to force personal responsibility and authority on to people that have no ability or knowledge to care for themselves. They must first be educated and then accept personal responsibility. It is easy to play the victim when you don’t know any better. Educated people make better decisions. They write better scripts and they live better movies.

Getting extras to become fully fledged members of capitalism takes an investment from the community. They need all of the basics from the Prescription For Peace. In the inner cities and third world that includes personal safety. Children that are abused are poor candidates for functional families. They find dysfunctional families in the form of gangs. They spread their dysfunction to successive generations. The cycle must be broken. This is a great place for faith based organizations to intercede. They can help children receive education and an alternate family-like place to learn and grow.

The investment from the community in these members may resemble a brand of socialism. I actually believe that a layer of socialism can coexist with capitalism. Socialism provides extras with the ability to learn and grow into productive members of capitalism. Without this layer extras have no direction, no education and no ability to grow. With this layer there is a path toward full membership in writing, producing, acting, and directing each individual movie.

Mark Green was my father’s attorney. He was responsible for the vision that transformed my father’s company from a small “mom and pop” operation to a fully functioning company with middle management installed. As an attorney he decided that he needed drama instruction. He met one of the most influential drama instructors of the day and signed up for some personal instruction. After a brief moment or two of discussion she asked him to go outside knock on the door. He was unsure of the exercise but agreed to play along. He knocked, was asked in, and he entered the room a bit unsure. He was invited into the living room where he sat down. Now his instructor asked “say to yourself prior to entering ‘I am going in.’” This time outside he said to himself “I am going in.” He entered the room with confidence walked right over to his seat in the living room and took the seat. We all need to say to ourselves “I am going in.”



All the best,


Michael Carlin

Publisher & Editor

Century City News

To Book Travel

To see my new book

A Prescription For Peace

If you would like to download the book you can do it at:



T. 424.789.2136

F. 310.861.5596


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"Our work will not be done until every man, woman and child alive has three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, access to quality health care, personal safety, an education, and a job." - Michael Douglas Carlin



Thursday, August 7, 2008

1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Health Care
4. Personal Safety
5. Education
6. Livelihood
7. Empower Women
All leading to HOPE

We can have peace in our lifetime if we all do our part.

This must be a partnership of every individual, non-profit organization, corporation, and government. All working together to bring the basic needs to all of humanity.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the words: "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

If we have the right to life then we have the right to three square meals a day, a roof over our head, access to quality health care, personal security, an education and a job. For how could we ever begin to experience liberty or pursue happiness without the basic needs being met.

"Our work will not be done until every man, woman, and child alive has three square meals a day, a roof over their head, access to quality health care, personal security, an education and a job." - Michael Douglas Carlin

You can help!!!! Collect sporting equipment, musical instruments, or medical supplies here in the United States and bring or send them to third world countries.

If you need help you can contact Michael Douglas Carlin at

Grandpa Dad

Grandpa Dad Site Launched
A while ago I wrote about my grandfather - "Grandpa Dad". He was an amazing man when he wasn't drinking. My parents took the time and care to shield me from him when he was drinking so all of my memories of the man were very positive. I just set up a site that you can check out:

Today, I met with one of the major forces behind the Weingart Center downtown. He works in Century City and is responsible for the Dodger Stadium Event in November. This year we are going to reach out to more of Century City and get them involved in the event. The goal is to turn it into an All Century City event. I see no reason that this won't happen. Weingart Center works with the homeless to get them the services they need and releases them back into society when they are ready to handle the responsibility of rent and a job. They have a tremendous success ratio and have been responsible for tens of thousands of lives that have turned around. I only wish my grandfather would have connected with an organization like the Weingart Center...



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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Marlon Brando

The book has a chapter that was inspired by Marlon Brando. Through a very strange chain of events I came to know the plan that Marlon Brando had to feed the world. Prior to being able to implement the plan he met his maker. The plan is brilliant. There is no reason that any man, woman or child should ever go without three square meals a day. The resources are abundant and feeding hungry people is the most humane choice for humanity.